can an introvert be a powerful presenter?

It often surprises people to discover that confidence in public speaking didn’t always come naturally to me. In truth, I vividly recall the days of trembling hands, quivering voice, and an overabundance of filler words that characterized my early experiences addressing a group.

To transition from an introvert to powerful presenter is not easy, but it is absolutely possible. And very much worth it: said simply, you can have greater impact when you are able to speak effectively about your ideas and your work.

I had a great conversation with Alli Torban recently on this topic. Alli is an Information Designer and host of the fantastic Data Viz Today podcast (who also used to be a nervous presenter). Listen to our conversation below to learn actionable insights that apply whether you’re presenting informally to colleagues or commanding attention in front of a crowd.

Rather read than listen? The full transcript accompanies the original posting of this podcast: Data Viz Today Episode 94. Also check out past episodes of the SWD podcast.

Source: Story Telling
