Category: Analytics


Analysis of text messages with an ex-boyfriend

Teresa Ibarra used Facebook Messenger to text with her now ex-boyfriend almost a decade ago. She exported the messages and analyzed keywords and topics used over the one-year relationship. I…


What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)

To hear directly from the authors on this topic, sign up for the upcoming virtual event on June 20th, and learn more from the Generative AI Success Stories Superstream on…


Power Automate Visual GA – Embed Workflows Directly Within Your Power BI Reports

We are thrilled to announce that the Power Automate visual in Power BI has now reached General Availability (GA)! This is a significant milestone for Power Automate and Power BI…


Change in housing prices where you live

I don’t know about you, but where I live, the housing prices keep going up, and they just seems way too high. Is it like this everywhere? For The Washington…


Passwords and their Discontents

This article originally appeared in Business Age. In commentary supplied to Business Age, I shot my mouth off saying that passwords are a poor solution for authenticating users–but none of…


Visualize This (2nd ed.): A real book that’s almost here

Visualize This is a real book now! The official publication date is May 29, but you might get it early if you order now, depending on where and when you…


Mapping Hacker News

Wilson Lin used an abstract map to visualize 40 million posts and comments from Hacker News. He calls it the Hackerverse. Lin described the full process of scraping, using text…


Power BI May 2024 Feature Summary

Power BI May 2024 Feature Summary Source: PowerBI


Copilot in Microsoft Fabric is now generally available in the Power BI experience

One of the biggest opportunities we’re seeing is in accelerating the path to a data-rich culture by enhancing the productivity of your data teams and making analytics more accessible to…


Visualization of flying into a black hole

Assuming you were still alive flying into a black hole, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center visualized what the views might look like. In this visualization of a flight toward a…