Next Generation Logistics

A leading Technology Based Provider Offering supply chain services, Managed Transportation Services and Transportation Management solutions.

Organization Size
(50 – 999 employees)
Business Requirement

The current product was complicated to use and also difficult to customize as per the needs of different industries Workflows. Customer was looking for a software service provider who can develop a solution enabling EDI integration logic along with the features to configure and manage EDI document for all trading partners. Trading partners are identified by a company in trading with a configured Carrier. A complete solution to configure and manage EDI documents exchange across trading partners and carriers.

Our Solution

After discussions and analysis by the team we conceptualized the interfaces required for different processes on the platform which enables the trading partners. The API were developed as per the desired functionality that accomplishes the process, shares the messages between two communication points in sequence order and prioritizes the messages.

Customer Benefit and Value
  • Fast response, easy to use, responsive and increases the ease of doing business
  • Enhance the services and build good relationship with the customers