Power BI – Regulatory Compliance Dashboard

Meeting regulatory compliance obligations and complying with all the requirements of benchmark standards is a must for an organization and can be a significant challenge in adhereing to these compliances. Identifying which assessments to perform, evaluating the status, and resolving the gaps can be a very daunting task. Our dashboard helps streamline this process with the new regulatory compliance dashboard.

The regulatory compliance dashboard provides holistic view of the compliance status and insight into the applicable compliances for a set of supported standards and regulations.

  • Compliance Overview

    The compliance overview gives you a single view of the status, health trend, compliance status by geography and locations based on the business entities in your organization.

  • Compliance Activity

    It provides quick summary into available compliances and compliance status by location, facilities, departments and legislation, it allows you to act on the recommendations and reduce risk factors.

  • Compliance Delays

    The delays in attaining compliances impacts the business, the summary and insights about the delay across different locations, facility and departments. This information can be drilled down till the location, facility, department and user level.

  • Compliance Proofs

    The compliance proofs provides the procedural lapses in updating the compliances with relevant proofs and documents. The summary provides the information about compliances requiring proofs and across the organization with no proofs attached.